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reverse flash

when you are having sex with a girl and she comes on your face then stabs you repeatedly. While Gary Busey is in the back ground hulk smashing stuff and if you do not know what hulk smashing is look it up on this website right now. After that you see George Bush come out of know where with a plane and well you know where im going with this one...9/11 then Bill Clinton comes out of nowhere to and well enough said about that one....Jesus Christ is my N word

DO you wanna get Reverse flash right now?

by Reverse Flash November 12, 2015

8👍 12👎


bunch of pussy ass mother fuckers that thinks they can take out the greatest country of all time..... so they can hail hydra in hell mother fuckers

isis worthless

by Reverse Flash November 12, 2015

24👍 149👎