Source Code

Frankie/fifa boy

A boy that has a serious addiction to fifa = FIFABOY

The word that describes and fifa freak
Person:”hey frankie/fifa boy have you revised for the exam tomorrow”

Fifa boy:”stfu I’m playing fifa”

FIFA boy:”sorry lads my mum took my controller so I have to decline the position of fifa boy”

Whole world:”crying”

by Rhys Dolan February 27, 2019

2👍 1👎

Rhys Dolan

RHYS THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY: born, didn’t say much died.The perfect specimen is Rhys that is why they call him swim star.

“Hey Rhys Dolan what you saying”?!

Rhys:”uh Yh”

“Not much then Yh”

by Rhys Dolan February 27, 2019