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A Ryan is a person that is an honest good hearted loving person with a great personality, in fact, I'm a Ryan myself always tries his best at everything may try to show off once in awhile! Can be good at trying to make jokes. Looks for girls in middle school more than not. He is also a quicker giver-upper. He is also soft-hearted and small things can put him down but he is for most of the time than not a happy person than not. He likes girls that are similar in many different ways. For example close to the same in height, acts similar to himself, and is mildly positive oh yeah also not a drama queen Ryans HATE Drama queens. He is also easy to anger so watch out. he has crazy mood swings like for example one day he is so happy that he is feeling on top then the next pissed off sad angry etc! He is good at lots of things and he can really tell by his instincts by what he is good at for example he is good at matching people just by telling how they act towards each other me particuallar im good at matching girls computer science i like working out more than not its enjoying to gain muscle because then i can be good at self defence and stuff like that!

Ryan A boy name

by RiGuy2016 November 5, 2018