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Fuck To Bed

to pass the fuck out, usually after all day of drinking and doin drugs.

"ay wheres duncan dude"?

"he's fuck to bed doh"

by Ricardo II December 25, 2008

11👍 7👎

Fuck Butt

to fuck a butt. also used for conflict enders.

"hey get the fuck out of my house bro"!

"hey why dont you jus fuck butt"!

by Ricardo II December 25, 2008

17👍 10👎


same thing as homeboy

young mal said "lets get a 40 homebro,you feel me family".

by Ricardo II December 25, 2008

8👍 2👎

A-Frame gang bang

a king cobra 40oz mixed with a red joose.(joose is a alcohol beverage energy drink)

"let's get an A-Frame gang bang session crackin".

by Ricardo II December 25, 2008

8👍 2👎

Patty Cackin

same thing as lallygagging or beatin around the bush, so pretty much your wasting time.

elijah went to liquor bank to get a 40 of king cobra but he took hella long cause he was patty cackin with his bitch ass brother kyle who lives up the street.

by Ricardo II December 25, 2008

4👍 3👎


Both of Ours

"wheres my bike?" says Red
"what bike?" said D-BO
"you know the one i lent you the other day,we can keep it at my house its kinda like bofars." says Red

by Ricardo II December 25, 2008

7👍 4👎