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A spanish word used to describe Latinas who are tanned/dark (i.e., dark hair/brunette, dark eyes, dark skin) in varying degrees. Used in contrast to Gringa or Guedo for a White Latina, Negra for a Black Latina and Asianz aren't usually included in this definition.

Someone as light as Jessica Alba would be considered Morena esp. if she is brunette, through to someone as dark as Christina Millian.

by Ricco Chico May 29, 2007

84๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nowadays used to describe an Australian of Anglo and/or Caucasian/White appearance or background. I am a Sydney-Sider and this view is most prominent in the youth. But in saying this I cannot speak with absolute certainty whether this perception is Australian wide (Although I have friends and relatives in every State and Territory who are aware of this view). I personally resent this label as a way of identifying the "Anglo/White" community as, I myself come from a Latino background but was BORN and BRED here in Australia and feel as much "aussie" as any other Australian! Australia is a multicultural country and no matter our background/race we are ALL the same nationality! When we go overseas and tell people our nationality we say we are AUSSIE and this is how the rest of the world sees us, AS AUSSIES!!!

1) You ask ANY kid of ANY background who is a aussie and they will tell you someone who is most likely of "first fleet/convict" descent or a "White person" who's close to it. We also use the term "natio/nasho" to ask each other what background we are, when in fact most of us are ALL the same nationality(natio/nasho) which is aussie
2) The older generations will most likely know what you are talking about but do not share the same critical belief that only "White/Anglo" people are aussies as our parents have a stronger sense of being an "aussie"
3) If Australians as a community need to have a way of identifying so-called "Aussies" I think we should reclaim the less common word "Skip" so aussie can be inclusive to all backgrounds
4) No matter whether you be a Latino, African, Fob, Abo, Azn or Wog we are all aussie!

by Ricco Chico August 10, 2007

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