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a bum who gets no females and sucks dick ina corner ona daily and dresses like his boyfriend nick vega and he looks like this kid named tling

Bro you're a Tyshaun shut up

by Richnigger January 10, 2019

6👍 33👎

Tyshaun and Tling

2 dusty people who fuck each other silly ina barn one is short , floods and gets no females and thinks he buff but in real life everyone knows he's a twig and is a fag , the other one is a little bit taller lightskin got a dusty ass sweatshirt wears some dirty joggers and thinks he females the only thing he attracts is turtles

bro thats Tyshaun and Tling

by Richnigger January 10, 2019

4👍 3👎


best console out there pc and xbox can't get near only broke niggas play on those an omar owns a ps4 so you know its good it has the best games and best graphics

Yo you own a PS4? you're fucking rich mate

by Richnigger January 10, 2019

4👍 11👎


Kid that dosen't grow and floods a lot he's a flood queen so get away from him because you'll drown , and he's dirty as hell smells like garbage and wears joggers even though were in 2019

bro that dudes a tling look at him

by Richnigger January 10, 2019

5👍 3👎


Garbage school

Yo you go to burbank

by Richnigger January 10, 2019

10👍 6👎


What 12 year old white kids play cause they can't afford a ps4 and yell nigger on a mic and think they have better games when a ps4 game won game of the year and only niggas who live in their grandma basement play halo and shit

bro who the fuck has an xbox

by Richnigger January 10, 2019

5👍 5👎


Food that rich niggas eat ona daily , Broke niggas can't get near , if you bring out in the hood you'll get swarmed by monkey

Bro ima get KFC tyshaun you can't come you're broke and your friends tling and yongyee can't come to they're broke and they flood

by Richnigger January 10, 2019

6👍 2👎