A pasteo is like a typo but caused by copying and pasting rather than typing.
Martha - I think you made a mistake. Your email says the party is on Thursday. I thought it was on Friday?
Rick - You are right, Martha. Sorry I made a pasteo.
When you post a photo and/or comment on Facebook and one of your friends likes a comment contributed by another friend on that post. This is fine, and encouraged, unless the deep-liker does not Like the original poster's photo and/or comment as well. This is hurtful to the original poster and is a big endorphin killer.
Johnny posts a picture of his cute dog on Facebook and Kimmy 'Likes' a comment on the the post provided by another friend, Carly. Johnny is like, "WTF? Kimmy deep-liked Carly's comment about my dog, but she doesn't like my picture of the actual dog? WTF, Hey!"
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When you ask a friend to exercise, but they are too busy shopping.
Me: "We are taking a walk in the hood to get some exercise. Would you like to join us?"
Friend: "No, thanks. I'm out shopping."
Me: "Ok. Have fun shoppercising!"
Hamel the Camel is an awesome children's book written by Rick McEntee and beautifully illustrated by Bran Wilson. It is a story about a young camel's journey to find a mammal and all the friends he meets along the way. It is available at www.hamelthecamel.com.
Becky: "Do you know any great children's books that Carly can read?"
Amy: "Has she read Hamel the Camel yet?"
Becky: "No."
Amy: "Ohhhhh myyyyyy Goooood, Becky. Get that girl a copy today. I like Hamel the Camel and I cannot lie?"