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Wisconsin Business Suit

Wisconsin Business Suit

The business attire of your typical fat ass Wisconsinite.

The Wisconsin Business Suit is usually made up of Dockers pants, a golf polo (typically Under Armour or Nike), a brown or black belt, which may or may not match the Kohls Department Store purchased lace up dress shoes. A cell phone attached to the belt is optional and often considered to be in good taste.

This look is often accentuated with the "Dunlap" or "cheese tank" which is the gut of said fat ass hanging over his belt.

Example One:

Wisconsin Man 1: Hey, what are you wearing to the big meeting in West Bend tomorrow?

Wisconsin Man 2: Just got a new Nike polo and a pair of sweet Dockers from Kohls that were 88% off.

Wisconsin Man 1: Dude you always out dress everyone.

Example Two:

Scene - Business Conference In Vegas

Man 1: Jesus Christ, who are all these fat fucks wearing pleated Dockers and polos? God they look like shit.

Man 2: It looks like some fat fucks from the Mid West.

Man 3: Yeah I grew up in Wisconsin. They're rocking the Wisconsin business suit. I'm so ashamed of my heritage. (hangs head in shame)

Man 1: Well if they're half as stupid as they are fat, this should be the easiest sale of my life.

Man 2: For sure. God who the fuck dresses like that?

Man 3: My friends and family.

by RickySpanish121 May 7, 2019

71👍 1👎


Relationship and or household controlled by vagina poon

society governed by the woman

Man 1, Hey is Phillip coming out tonight?
Man 2, His old lady said No. She's such a bitch. She has a total control of his balls.

Man 1, Poor bastard is living in a total poontocracy.

Man 2 He is a slave to the system.

by RickySpanish121 May 14, 2018

Poon Scrapper

poon scrapper

/pune skraper/


a person who prefers to date old girlfriends and or "practice/throwaway girls" because they find it easier than going outside of their comfort zone and meeting someone via the internet, their social circle (if they have one), or at bars, nightclubs, coffee shops, grocery stores, or anywhere a woman may be found. This is usually do to low confidence/self esteem and or pure laziness and lack of self respect

"a poon scrapper"

synonyms: loser, lazy fuck, etc

pursue and try to lay an old ex girlfriend, or chase a skank that a friend or colleague has tossed away

"poon scrapping"

synonyms: to chase skank, poon re-purposer

Example One:

Man 1: Did you hear John has been seeing Mary again?

Man 2: The same Mary that he used to date 20 years ago?

Man 1: Yup. That's some washed up poon for sure.

Man 2: Jesus Christ, John is sure one lazy fucking poon scrapper.

Man 1: Indeed.

Example Two:

Man 1: Hey, I've got a date with Susie tonight! Johnny broke up with her.

Man 2: Fucking Susie? Really? Why don't you try and get out and maybe improve yourself so you can meet a new and exciting woman instead of poon scrapping these worthless skanks. Johnny just tossed her out knowing you poon scrappers would go after it like trash eating billy goats

Man 1: Nah. Poon scrapping is way easier.

by RickySpanish121 April 29, 2019