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Obviously, it's a melding of the words, RAW and AWESOME. RAWESOME: n, Mainly SOMEONE, A PERSON (*but can apply to a Group, or even Something) that intrigues, excites, exhilarates, bewilders and "goose-pimples" an onlooker's eyes and senses with their unique originality of self, speech or special physical attributes and/or physical abilities, i.e., sports, etcetera. Quite simply, a Person(*) of extreme originality; without equal; first of his/her kind; unparalleled creativeness, innovativeness.

"...Oh, my God!! Isn't THE GUY that invented THIS WORD, some kind of RAWESOME!!?" or, "Good Lord--did you see that?! She just did a double-forward, 2-1/2 pike into a backward triple sow cow and into an impossible Jericho Loop!! Now is she RAWESOME or what?!?"

by Rico DaBaron1 August 29, 2013