V. (as in "you've been ranted")
-the act of responding to a comment using the current topic and then segueing into other subject matter with the intent of being humorous and/or annoying. Most effective when done to the 4th or 5th "power"
FACEBOOK Conversation
Guy #1: It's a sarcastic take on Godzilla and Japanese art
Guy #2: Did the Japanese find this offensive?
Guy #3: (who randomly chanced upon said conversation)
Do Japanese people find sarcasm offensive? what kind of question is that? That's like asking if burning the carcasses of dead cats can be perceived as cruel! Sure, normal people could care less, but is it really necessary? And also, does the burning of said cats negate their chances of going to heaven? Have we condemned the lives of millions of millions of felines into the black oblivion that is hell? But another thing to consider is, do they even DESERVE to go to heaven? Most cats I know are anti-social and will bite you if you rub their fur the wrong way. Why can't they be more like dogs and just be content with the ability to lick their own balls? People spend YEARS trying to learn this ability, what do you think yoga is meant for? Flexibility is one of the most understated abilities of the human body and is often neglected. What many don't understand is that by working to become more flexible they not only decrease the chance of injury but increase the ability to gain lean muscle. You've been ranted.
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