Source Code

Holey Water

This drink is prepared during sex. You take your middle finger, stick it in her mouth, ear, nose, vagina, and butt. Then you take a glass of water and add sugar, use your "Holey" finger to stir the water.

"Man i love your Holey water, it tastes so fresh. mmmmm."

by Riddle Boy July 11, 2008

1👍 3👎


the act of getting "power owned". getting beat at something really really bad

Dude 50 to 0!? You got powned!!

by Riddle Boy June 16, 2008

31👍 108👎

Baby Gravy for the Chest Potatoes

This is when you blow your load on a girls boobs.

Baby Gravy- Cum

Chest Potatoes- Boobs

Gravy for mashed taters in simple terms.

Dude, she's sooo hot. She needs some baby gravy for the chest potatoes.

by Riddle Boy June 16, 2008

12👍 8👎