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Are you this stupid to type ''word'' in the search bar? Wow. if your this stupid, here's the definition. (Btw you should go back to kindergarten)

Word Definition;
a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.
"I don't like the word “unofficial”"

I'm so stupid i typed "word" in the search bar.

by Riley (that's me!) April 16, 2021


What the- WHO DOESN'T NOW WHAT LOL MEANS? if your that unegicated, or your a mom/parent and you heard your kid say "lol" and you want to know what it means, it means Laugh Out Loud.

Go back to school u unegicated egg

"oMg CiNdY! tHaT wAs So lOl!" please don't use it in a sentence like that-
lol you don't now what lol means

by Riley (that's me!) April 16, 2021