Great British comedy writer, comedian and occasional radio presenter who co-wrote sitcoms such as The Office and Extras with Steven Merchant. Winner of many awards, particularly a couple of Globes in 2004...
Famous quotes:
"People say it's big bones... big bones covered in meat and gravy."
"Mrs Chang...."
446👍 1310👎
A heart-like symbol widely used by emos to express a love for a person, band or other object.
xTakingBackSundayxcorex <3 <3
34👍 32👎
Producer of London Radio Station XFM. Occasionaly mentioned in comedian Ricky Gervais' live stand-ups and is a discovered talent by comedy writers Gervais and Merchant. Often subject to fair bullying for having an odd-shaped head.
"That Karl Pilkington - the baldy manky roundy headed fella."
403👍 53👎
British comedy writer who co-wrote sitcoms such as The Office and Extras with Ricky Gervais. A great idol to many young and aspiring comedy writers. Has also won many awards and is recognised in the US.
Also known as the Oggmonster..
167👍 43👎
A chav term for MacDonalds. Often used to impersonate chavs when in town.
"Shall we go to Maccy D's?"
77👍 24👎
A british comedy written and directed by comedians Matt Lucas and David Walliams.
In truth, a hit and miss comedy which relies on the same catch-phrases in different scenarios. Weak humoured, really.
"Yer but no but"
"Anyone? No.. Dussst."
73👍 66👎
Also known as the "Garden Isle" for its landscape scenery. At first deceptive however, for the Island has a high risk number of chavs and emos.
Musically, the Isle of Wight produced bands such as The Bees and Mista Mushroom.
Also famous worldwide for its yachting competitions, community and general snobbery but it should be pointed out the they are a minority and annoy most other Islanders.
"But we had all our vaccinations when we went to the Isle of Wight"
55👍 29👎