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A disease that causes women to refute all logic, ignore reason, and act like a total bitch to the total discredit of the female gender.

Other side affects of this illness may include: Mass use of social media to garner attention with ill-phrased text images, a bloated and undeserved ego, sense of pride in being called a bitch, dating abusive boyfriends while treating gentlemen like garbage, wearing revealing and/or skin tight clothing then complaining people are checking you out, raving about mediocre coffee houses, and/or going oversees to "find yourself" when you can barely afford to drive to work.

There is no known cure.

Rob: "Hey Joe, did you hear about Alice?"
Joe: "Ya her boyfriend beat here so she decided to take him with her to Paris to stay in hostiles, said she needed to find herself"
Rob: "Isn't she in massive credit debt, student loans?"
Joe: "Ya, but she quit her job so she could go on an extended trip with a broke abusive asshole who's on parole, said 'I just don't understand their relationship', sounds like she contracted a terminal case of dumbitchitis"

by RitztheWise November 2, 2018

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