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In a relationship, being totally into one another - to the point of being goofy. Especially a new relationship. infatuated, besotted, lovesick

source: Rebecca L. of Montana

Look at that guy, he is twitterpated with her. . He smiles all the time, can't stop talking about her, always texting or calling her. That boy is whipped.

by Rob G. aka theTexasWolf August 26, 2015

25👍 3👎


Not just kind of gay but enormously gay.

Did you hear what Trump said LAST NIGHT. OMG. That guy is gaynormous.

by Rob G. aka theTexasWolf August 26, 2015


One having a lot of scruffy hair growth and in need of a shave. One day's worth of growth, but less than a beard.

1. man with five o'clock shadow but especially the next following morning
2. woman who fails to shave her legs for a couple of days

guy to his gal: "Good morning sweetheart"
gal by to her guy: "Well good morning to you too, Scruffulupagus."

by Rob G. aka theTexasWolf August 26, 2015


The simultaneous execution of an exceedingly large number of tasks. An otherwise unmanageable number of tasks that can be accomplished with an extreme level of concentration. aka taking multi-tasking to the Nth degree.

example: Look at him go! That MoFo is hypertasking like a Cray Supercomputer.

example: If going to school full time requires multitasking then going to school full time, working full time, and taking care of the family damn sure requires hypertasking.

by Rob G. aka theTexasWolf August 30, 2006

151👍 30👎

Facebook Paradox

The paradox you find yourself in when you want to up-vote a social media item that has a sad or negative subject. . You merely want to bring the post to attention of your social network but you question whether someone will misunderstand why you are clicking "like/+1/thumb-up/up-vote/etc"

I struggle with the Facebook Paradox. do I click LIKE to share this news feed item, "'Clumsy the Clown' tragically falls from balcony to his death at children's birthday party." Why isn't there a DISLIKE button? Or a button for MEH?

by Rob G. aka theTexasWolf August 26, 2015


Permanent grin. Usually a result of great fortune arriving in someone's life; a brand new love, winning the lottery (or one of my personal fav's: watching someone illegally passing on the shoulder during rush hour and promptly getting NAILED by the cops.)

source: Rebecca L. of Montana

Look at the perm-a-grin on his face. He is totally twitterpated with her. He smiles all the time, can't stop talking about her, he is always texting or calling her. That boy is whipped!

by Rob G. aka theTexasWolf August 26, 2015


Acronym for: Fucking Spell Check Strikes Again. When typing on phones and the auto-correct / spell-checker kicks in and suggests outlandish words that you most likely wont' see until your post/text/twee is out there for the whole world to see.

"Can you pick me up later from LAXATIVES after I fly in" "Wait. FSCSA! I meant to type 'Can you pick me up from LAX after I fly in?'".

by Rob G. aka theTexasWolf August 26, 2015