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game of freckles

A drinking game played by very drunk squaddies in one of them shits into a sock then players gather around a table and rest their chins on the edge of it, the sock is beaten on the centre of the table by the shitwhacker 10 times. The winner is the player with the most "freckles" on their face.

" I need a shit....fancy a game of freckles "
" fuck off you sick bastard....ask me in 10 beers time "

by Rob St Evenage March 7, 2008

85πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A stupid inbred who has nothing going for her

To talk without engaging your brain

To express an opinion on a subject you know fuck all about

To be a total fuckwit

To become famous purely by being annoyingly stupid

Also see Kerry Katona 5ive Jordan Peter Andre

knock knock....who's there....Jade Goody....Jade Goody who?
well...thats show business

" Indians are thin cos they can't cook properly....Oh my god you can see me kebab" from How the fuck did I get famous by Jade Goody

by Rob St Evenage March 6, 2008

13πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Juande Ramos

The son of a whore, someone who plays with shit.

the wanky tottenham hotspur went to Rome to see the Pope,
the wanky tottenham hotspur went to Rome to see the Pope,
the wanky tottenham hotspur went to Rome to see the Pope and this is what he said fuck off....Who's that team they call the Arsenal? Who's that team they all adore? they're the team in red and white and they're fucking dynamite and Juande Ramos's mother is a whore...she's a whore

by Rob St Evenage March 7, 2008

38πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

wurzle gumidge

What you look like when you cum, your cum face

A scarecrow

A sex act involving hose pipes and a pastry cutter

" Oh yeah...it feels so good...yeah...oh my god...oh..oh i'm..i'm co..i'm coming "(as if you need to announce it)
% Oh my god, he looks just like wurzle gumidge when his cummin %

by Rob St Evenage March 9, 2008

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

wurzle gumidge

What you look like when you cum, your cum face

A scarecrow

A sex act involving hose pipes and a pastry cutter

" Oh yeah...it feels so good...yeah...oh my god...oh..oh i'm..i'm co..i'm coming "(as if you need to annouce it)
% Oh my god, he looks just like wurzle gumidge when his cummin %

by Rob St Evenage March 9, 2008

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

kebab thigh

A medical condition suffered by overweight (Chavettes)/(Miwfs) where their thighs start to resemble the old English delicacy (Donar Kebab) usually caused by eating too many of them they are normally found adorned in (lycra leggings) and seen on TV show's like (You Are What You Eat).

(Tracy's) fag shot from her gob and she let out an expletive, it was due to the static shock she recieved from her kebab thighs rubbing together.

by Rob St Evenage March 5, 2008

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Opposite of a (MILF) A mum you would'nt fuck even for a hundred million pounds and you were drunk on Absynth and hadn't had sex for 20 years because you'd been in prison for shagging really ugly woman even tho its not a crime...I'm just trying to give you an example. Lives in (Chavenage) pronouced Miiiwwwwwffff

Id rather fuck yo dawg than yo ma she's sure a is miwf but she do have a pretty mouth.

by Rob St Evenage March 5, 2008

38πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž