Happy little Chinese girl that aspires to be a ninja. Often seen with Robbies.
Hey look, it's Tingting, and she has Robbie on a leash!
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a $10 bill (from "X" which is the Roman numeral for 10).
yo G, can you spot me an X-note till the holla?
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Brobbie: Proper Noun for sexy kid, prefferably of Mexican descent, as well as a Diane's baby-making slave. Cares for people.
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A young man who decides to be a fag by touching other boys lunch boxes, when they them selves have forgoten their own lunch boxes. Not only do they have a craving for other boys lunch, but they also like it up the butt by Senior'o Fagmeisters.
!. Dallas
2. Senior'o Fragmeister
3. Mr. Blackburn
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a scared little foreign kid who gets attacked by big, fat, black ladies and is scared.
If you go to a nightclub, you could possible see some black ladies dancing with a Melrey.
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the rear cargo area of an SUV or van that can hold extra passengers.
so named for being usually cramped and uncomfortable to ride in.
I'm glad Steve gave us a lift into town, even though we got stuck in the penalty box.
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the sight of numerous pairs of pantyhose belonging to a resident female that are left hanging around, either to dry or just to air out.
this occurs mostly on the shower curtain rod in the main bathroom of the house, thus resembling a jungle.
when I first moved in with Shirley, one of the first things I had to get used to was constantly having a pantyhose jungle in my presence every time I had to use the bathroom....and I dared not complain about it either! :)
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