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Blue Dude

Slang for: Police officer. Police in the USA usually wear a distinctive dark blue uniform.

The blue dudes were scoping tight yesterday.

by Robert Anderson April 14, 2006

3👍 7👎


Dexit marks the day of transference of one Master Dewang Mulani from FoxyMoron's Mumbai office to the Delhi office.

It is observed on April 28th every year.

'Brunch and onwards buzz' is a common ritual during the day where people are seen necking alcohol until reduced to a crawling inebriated being.

We are going to Thailand for Dexit this year, the booze is so cheap plus the hookers turn very generous that day!

by Robert Anderson April 23, 2019

copper stoppered

To be stopped, questioned, interrogated, hassled, etc. by the police, often with little or no provocation by the stopped victim.

I got copper stoppered again last night on my paper route.

by Robert Anderson April 14, 2006


Also spelt as D’wang, this is one of the top 5 hardest names to pronounce. Roughly translates to mean a bloke who can talk his way into a woman’s pants.

Chris took Beth into the other room, I bet he’s gonna pull of a ‘Dewang’.

Jaime: How was your first date with Richard?
Abby: I have a ‘no sex on the first date’ rule, but boy he totally D’vanged it.

by Robert Anderson July 1, 2018

5👍 1👎