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In 2004, Blizzard Entertainment released World of Warcraft (WoW), and it became the largest massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) the world has ever seen. It takes place four years after the previous game left off, Warcraft III The Frozen Throne, an RTS (real time strategy), and the setting is in the world of Azeroth. It lets players portray one (at a time) out of the eight dominant races of Azeroth. The races are divided into two teams, the Horde and Alliance. On the Alliance there are the humans, elves, gnomes, and dwarves. On the Horde there are the orcs, trolls, tarrun, and undead. There are also several classes to chose from. Some are warlock, mage, rogue, warrior, etc. Within the world players can interact with others, the environment, buy, trade, make, and sell, goods, do over 3000+ quests, and much, much more. As of now, 5.5 million people play this game worldwide.
WARNING! This game is extremely addictive. Unless you would like to have no friends in real life for a long time, DO NOT play this game. I myself went though weeks of withdrawal when I stopped playing. After I stopped, my GPA went up from 2.8, to 3.9. This is proof of how consuming this game truly is.

James: Hey Jack, want to go hang out with us at the mall?
Jack: No, I have a 9:00pm MC raid. Plus some guildies and I were going to gank Xroads. I also need to go get 2 more arcanite bars to make a core marksmen rifle. And after that I promised some noobies I would esscort them though Deadmines.
James: Ok... What about tommorow?
Jack: Sorry, I can't. I have a 11:00am ZG raid, and then right after that I doing a guild BG in AV at 5:00pm. And after that, I'm going to try and get an Blade of Hanna in Blackrock Spire.
James: WoW really does rule your life.

by Robert H. Greene May 8, 2006

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