A minority or minorities in politics pretending to be democrats but are actually self-absorbed egomaniacs. They only care about themselves and want to be the center of attention. They never get their hands dirty and love to hear themselves talk. They have superiority complexes and think theyâre out-smarting everyone they encounter. They usually prey on the weak and fish their votes from naive socio economic groups by giving them false hope, usually like the Churches from poor communities. They really don't advocate progressive ideologies because theyâre bound by the votes of churches and the least educated therefore sometimes without them even knowing theyâre doing the dirty work for real conservatives which they really don't care as long as theyâre taking pictures for social media. They take the space of real liberals who are fighting for change and thus far becoming parasites and toxic to whatever community that have under their sneaky trap. They should be exposed at all costs. Theyâre worse than MAGAâs!
Damn you voted for that dude? He's "Pavel Payano" he's no freedom fighter, that's a used-carsalesman!
Yeah I went to that political rally the other night and the minute I got in there all these Pavel Payanos wanted to take selfies with me so I wrote a check and left as fast as I can!