TechCodes is a famous Roblox Developer. He has been awarded one of the highest rated programmers within the platform. TechCodes is 22 years old as of 2022 and works within his own communities as we see today. He currently works within the RCD Community (Roblox Community Developers) as a moderator which exceeded over 14K+ Members and works for "Five Guys burgers and fries"(10K+ Members) as the Head Engineer. We know much about tech as he made his career from 2010-Present. Tech has been developing for over 10 years on many accounts and continues to strive for success and population. I have seen much great work and responses from tech, and he is great for any scripting job. Personally i have hired him and he got in and made it whole. I have also asked tech how he does it and he responded with "Always go for it!" which made me confident to start some day. What a funny and sweet man. TechCodes also has a YouTube channel with over 300+ Subscribers and the content is hilarious. If you need scripting done, tech is the one to go for. I believe his discord is "TechCodes#0001" but i can be wrong. Usually he has his information on his ROBLOX account so if you need it thats the place to look. Well hopefully this helped you :)
TechCodes ROBLOX Developer
Roblox Developer "TechCodes"
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