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cincinnati shrimpboat

The act of sucking on someone's toes (shrimping) after they have toe fucked a menstruating woman.

Technically speaking I guess it's the vagina that constitutes the actual shrimp boat, but it's important to have context in these types of situations.

Wait, really? A cincinnati shrimpboater? Ewwwwwwww...

by Roc P November 12, 2008

5👍 5👎


(noun) Pejorative term describing computers, stemming from resentment of their presence, usually perceived by the term's user as ubiquitous.

Entymology: Coined 2004, arises from ideology that "even though they don't make mistakes of their own, that don't mean sometimes they ain't a mistake to begin with." A "computer chip" is characteristic of most if not all modern computers, and is believed to be the root of this term.

"This neighborhood is going downhill. Seems nearly every house on this block has a chip or two in it."

"No good chips keep on taking our jobs!"

"You know who runs the banks nowadays, don't ya? Those damn chips."

"Went to the grocery store the other day, and who's at the front of the line ringing out people's groceries, not a regular cashier like you or me, but a chip! And you knew the two old ladies in front of me weren't gonna understand a single thing coming outta that chip and I was gonna be sitting there for another 20 minutes."

by Roc P September 2, 2005

36👍 42👎