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A word that most metal/pop/alternative fans use to describe a classic rock band when they have nothing better to say because they KNOW that these bands are actually good. Kids use this to describe (sadly) Led Zeppelin (You gotta be kidding me), Jimi Hendrix (You'd really be a troll for this), The Beatles (Really?), AC/DC (No, seriously, you fucked up), if you really knew what true music is, then you should write your own songs, and see how easy it is to do so. And what happens when people call YOU overrated. 'Nuff said.

Gustavo Sanchez: Man, this solo Hendrix is playing is the


Lohn Jennon: Ugh, so overrated, try listening to like, Linkin Park, Justin Bieber, or MCR.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Fawk you, arse hole.

by Rock and Roll Troll March 6, 2011

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