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Trench Coats

Very comfortable, warm coats, usually comes in leather. It's differnet than other coats because these types of coats drape down enough where only your feet and the lower part of your legs are shown. This makes the wearer warmer and drier than other alternatives.

Sadly, alot of adults (usually middle-aged or older) look completely down upon these coats because they can easily conseal weapons such as sawn-off shotguns, uzis, and other firearms. All this because of reputation when students coming in guns blazing wearing these coats.

Because of this, I'm forbidden to wear such a coat to my high school, and I live no where near Colorado.

"What the hell is stopping me from shashing weapons in a backpack or a winter coat yet I can't wear fucking trench coats in school, you shit-headed assholes?"
- A response I made to the "people" running the school I go to.

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 14, 2007

54πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


The age where you can legally fuck, smoke, gamble, buy porn, and be tried as an adult.

I fucked, smoked, gambled, and bought porn before and I'm only 17 now. Also I've been sent to jail because I broke the age of consent, while high and with porno around the room (the irony is overwhelming, yes), and someone fucked with my birth certificate when I was in court so I was sent to prison, not juvie, at 16 years of age, not 18+ years of age. True story.

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 24, 2007

21πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Something that you'll most likely lose in your life since 99.9% of the human race craves some wild, hardcore sex more than delicious, plentiful food... which there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that.

Buy some condoms, look good, and nail anyone you see attractive.

I losed my virginity and it caused me to earn me some prison time (for nailing a minor and ratting me out).

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 7, 2007

103πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž


An excellent progressive death metal band from France. These guys did nothing but tour late 2006 and throughout '07 by opening acts such as Machine Head, Annihilator, and Lamb of God. Their live shows are amazing.

They somewhat some like Mastodon but they so much more ass (coming from a Mastodon fan). Alot of their topics are about human intervention with nature and how it'll effect earth.

These guys are worth anyone's attention. Go pick up "From Mars To Sirius" Gojira's latest album. You'll get hooked!

You are a faggot if you hate Gojira.

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem June 26, 2007

358πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

Nu metal

One huge reason why today's music is turned rotten to the point of decay.

Weirldly enough, this "music" shares alot of simularies to 70s/80sglam rock and hair metal:
- They are completely mainstream. It takes barely any challenge at all to hit the Billboard. They both use their lack of real talent to

- Annoying vocals. Glam had the ear-spliting torture of yelling and the mediocrity of singing sorrowfully from feminine men while nu metal "artists" do a horrible impression of rapping or use the same method of screaming like their 80s counterpart.

- Lyrics are as deep and complex as a horizontal line. Rather than explaining, listen and find out yourself on how fucking weak the lyrics are- no real meaning, no real work, no real depth; just used to get shitloads of cash and women.

- Completely hated by metal fans so it'll stay far and away from their scene. (Indie Artist for the win!!!)

- They are both fads, FADS. It's just happens that glam was like a nucleur radiation-sensitive bug while nu metal is big, fucking cockroach.

The only contrasts are that:
- Glam/Hair = sex and love; Nu = angst and pity

- Glam/Hair = transvestitial men; Nu = metal noobies and wannabe rappers

- Glam/Hair = making their names to look cute; Nu = misspelling their names in order to look cool

FUCK nu metal and their marketing scheme, why give away money on a highly taled about yet a shitty album so it can be shoved up into the asses of MTV, RIAA and that said nu metal "band"?

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 16, 2007

56πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

Game over, man!

A phrase that means you've been caught by someone that you know will bring great suffering to you. Usually when you have an accomplice with you.

It's derived from a typical old school video game, as in "Game Over" = you lose. Coined by a couple of skits from "Robot Chicken"

Game over, man! GAME OVER!

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 31, 2007

15πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


English insult (Australian, Britian, New Zealand) literally meaning "someone who wanks" as in someone who masturbates.

Generally meaning, people who are called wankers means that they are completely worthless and useless in anything they try to do that the only thing they are good at are wanking.

It's also used as a complement to close friend, meaning no harm- similar to cunt; both as an insult and a friendly complement.

The only wanker and wankers I love are me, my family and my friends.

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem June 13, 2007

12πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž