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Sperm Bank

The legal way to buy and sell children. Sperm are living things too, you know.

The only thing worth going to a sperm bank is that they pay you once you released your load.

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 6, 2007

42πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Fucking Shit

Something to say when "shit" can't cut it when you're very angry and agitated to the point of busting that piece of fucking shit.

"Motherfucking piece of shit" is a more powerful phrase to say when you are EXTREMELY pissed off.

God DAMN this Fucking Shit!

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 25, 2007

106πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Cannibal Corpse

One of the most brutal and successful death metal bands out there right now. They are widely known for their infamous grossed-out lyrics and extremely explicit album art- "extremely" can barely cover the nastyness of the artwork.
Their guitar chords have deceisively complexity and nice patterns here and there. Be glad that George Fisher's voice is usually incoherate, for the lyrics can paint some nasty imagery in your mind that can even make a full-blown maniac (like me ;P) shudder big time.

If Cannibal Corpse made videos off of their songs... then those videos will be the best ever made in history.

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 5, 2007

77πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


(Also see "bass guitar", if you're looking up the kind of fish, sorry)

The bass is a stringed instrument; they are modeled to have 4 strings (Tuned to E-A-D-G), 5 strings (B-E-A-D-G), 6 strings (B-E-A-D-G-C), and even up to 15 strings... although the usual bass you'd see have 4-5 strings (4-stringed being the basic).

There are two types of bass guitars-
#1 is the acoustic upright/violin/double bass (which is the size of an obese adult and would weigh half as much as one.

#2 is the electric bass which is much lighter, much smaller, and much louder than the double bass- which because of that, it replaced the double bass and the cello.


Compared to a regular guitar, the bass has a longer neck and thicker strings, making the frequency lower than what a guitar could reach. In technique, the bassist has to concentrate more on where to place his/her fingers on the fingerboard than what string to pluck. This would mean that the bass is easier to learn but is harder to master than a guitar.

Also, since the bass can produce a low level of Megahertz and if it's at a high volume, this means you can FEEL the rumbling every time you strike a note, and since that the neck is very long, it makes an awesome chick-magnet!

TAKE NOTE!-- Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT, abuse the bass by striking a few random, repeating notes and let the rumble do all the work just to get yourself laid. Grab some discapline and learn what it means to play the bass, get a teacher, be more intuned with your favorite music. I seen and heard enough halfwits in parties and the radio repeating the same few notes on a B-tuned string with a bunch of 15 year old girls watching, be more open-minded than that.

The reason why I love the bass is because it's an underestimated and underrated instrument. And the people who hate or think the bass guitar and bassist are worthless are either
A) dumbasses who don't know what real music is
B) tools who needs to take a fucking musical theory class
C) retards who think that the bass is an inferior form of the guitar (even though they both have very different backgrounds)

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 14, 2007

154πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Coal Chamber

A 4-piece alternative metal band formed in '97 that lasted for 8 years. Also known as the guys who ripped-off White Zombie's sound.

Coal Chamber was very good alt. metal band (that is until System of a Down made the scene). Only thing that they needed was some originality (and the irony in this is that alternative music can easily be original that most other genres).

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 2, 2007

3πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

World Metal

Heavy metal mixed with world music- traditional music done by indigenous folk (African, Austrailian, Middle Eastern, etc.) Instruments such as native aucoustic instruments and drums are used along side with heavy metal instruments.

World metal was most likely created and influenced by the Brazilian death metal group Sepultura (which is my most favorite metal band).

It is a very innovative type of heavy metal because they brought two completely different sounds and fused them together with nice results.

Sepultura, Soulfly, Ektomorf, etc. and even System of a Down have experimented with world metal.

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 6, 2007

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Kerry King

Kerry King (nicknamed KFK the guitarist/co-founder of the thrash metal band Slayer and has been with the band since it came into being in 1981. Kerry is an athiest and shows no interest in religion inside his personal life. He loves snakes and other reptile.

He and the rest of Slayer like to write about Satanism, Nazism, torture and terrorism because they take this material as interest in their songwork- which spawned alot of controversy over the years. Although they all DO NOT take this kind of stuff true to heart.

With complex, catchy, and utterly wicked solos by singles such as Raining Blood, Angel of Death, Dittohead, Jihad, and many others, KFK shows alot of talent in his work.

KFK also has an ongoing fued with Dave Mustaine who complained that he show join Megadeth and ditch Slayer (and insulted the band at that)

Please ignore that little dipshit; he just plagarized wikipedia's page on Kerry King so he can showcast his stupid, misguided opinion of him.

by Rockin' Ruler of Metallic Meyhem May 6, 2007

189πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž