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A site created by some undercover totalitarian rulers. It dictates all values on rares on Habbo Hotel, and has great control of the economy of the hotel. Good or bad? Depends on the person.

Person 1: WOWZA, I'll give you 16 club sofas for that throne.
Person 2: Heckz no, Habbox says its 16.5, you best give me something worth .5!
Person 1: Oh heckz no, I can't afford to give you my mocha.
Person 2: Dealz off then, Habbox ownz joo!

by Roger DCJ April 26, 2005

83👍 118👎

Benedict XVI

The new German Pope. Looks like the evil guy in the cloak from the star wars movies that shoots lightning from his fingers. Coincidence? I think not!

Person 1: That guys look very familiar.
Person 2: The guy from star wars who shoots lightning from his fingers?
Person 1: Oh yea your right!
Pope Benedict XVI: The darkside is strong withing you!

by Roger DCJ April 25, 2005

622👍 289👎