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response to everything

Guy1: that music video was so dank
Guy2: aight (or it was aight)

Guy1: Yo
Guy2: aight

Girl: You want to do it right now
Guy: aight

by Roger Federer March 7, 2012

4👍 2👎


instead of saying "yeah, lego" (lego as in let's go) in response to a question upon what to do. you can just say yeago. it also makes the "yeah" cool. it's like lego but implies the action makes you happy.

young lady: want a blowjob?
young man: yeago bitch.

by Roger Federer December 31, 2011


lego (2nd def) with swag.

Some guy: yo Mike, swego.
Mike: yo ladies lego, swag out.

by Roger Federer December 31, 2011

4👍 3👎

swag out

1. when you have mad swag and you are leaving the building.

2. when someone tries to hard and they swag out (like strike out but in accordance towards swag

1. A fly young gentleman leaves the party/room/area by saying "Swag Out." then everybody else follows him out

2. yo man you tryin way to hard. what a swag out.

by Roger Federer December 31, 2011

31👍 16👎

vocab word

what you yell after using a word from your vocabulary unit. usually used among middle school or high school students

guy1: Yo you look like a wreck man. why you dressin' all Slovenly, vocab word...bitch.
guy2: yo why you dress all Pretentious like, vocab word.haha
guy1: you didn't even use that word right
guy2: stfu

by Roger Federer March 6, 2012

5👍 1👎


Nobody knows what it means, but it's provocative. It gets the people going.

lyrics from "Niggas in Paris":

Got my niggas in Paris
And they going gorillas, huh!
I don't even know what that means
No one knows what it means, but it's provocative
No it's not, it's gross --
Gets the people going

by Roger Federer December 29, 2011

104👍 70👎


yolo means "you only live once" but you can use it everywhere

dude you want a PBJ
nah man i'm allergic to peanut butter
yeaaa yolo *eats the whole jar of peanut butter and dies from allergic reaction*

i'm so yolo right now *is in the bathroom*

what's up man
ah bitch

man that shirt is yolo

yolo, yolo, yolo *is throwing ice cubes at people*

YOLO *jumps off a cliff*

YOLO *jumps off the swingset*

yo i was so yolo last night

yo i went yoloing last night

yolo yolo yolo?

dude i radiate yolo

dude i smell like a yolo

dude i think i saw a yolo today
no way dude!
yea man, it was in the woods behind my house
dude. yolo

by Roger Federer May 6, 2012

5👍 7👎