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K Y Treatment

an obscure slang usu. heard in southern New Jersey meaning to verbally tear a person to shreds. K Y treatment can come in several varieties, but classically, the agressor approaches the victim cordially, looms over them to the best of his ability, and proceeds to scream directly in the victim's face, usu. addressing his beef with the victim through a long, violent display in which the agressor makes several references to the victim's dead relatives, failed marriages, miscarriages, negative physical characteristics, or anything else which may reduce his victim to tears and ensure their need for therapy in the future. legend has it that a good K Y is like verbally throwing one's foot into another's ass without lube. Traditionally, when finished, the agressor screams "fuck the K Y!!"

1: ted: "lisa broke up with me to fuck an eskimo"
bob: "that's fucked up. next time I see her, that bitch is getting the K Y treatment!"

by Rogue Thief November 1, 2006

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