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is the opposite to pronation where the feet don't roll inward enough. Wearing the wrong type of shoe will lead to painful shins and joints, or even injury.

soccer injuries suck. i have orthadics because of underpronation.

by Ron Burgandy March 1, 2005

8👍 8👎

bud o'hara

Sexy ass kid from chatham.So hot. Really manly too. Manlier than anyone else in the 8th grade at chatham.

I looked at him one time and i got so horny.

by Ron Burgandy January 18, 2005

8👍 13👎


A person who is typically not accepted by society because they are considered a loser or a dork

Glen Romanowsky; Michael Feibus

by Ron Burgandy February 1, 2005

6👍 2👎

urban dictionary

the only real dictionary, as words are technichaly defined by common usage (and spelling). Also an outlit for rascism and a reason to use sexual references.
Oddly enough, undefined to a degree, because no-one seems to know wether to only define urban slang, or to "define your world" as it suggests.

G:Dude, what the hell? this definition defines itself such that its obviously not urban slang.
B: don't make me burninate you with this flamethrower.

by Ron Burgandy March 1, 2005

706👍 501👎


the inward roll of the heel and arch of the foot which occurs naturally at the heel strike as a cushioning mechanism.

Overpronation is when the feet roll inward too much.

I need motion control. thats right; im an overpronator. what?

by Ron Burgandy March 1, 2005

48👍 14👎