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A kennedy is the worst friend you’ll ever have :D. Their daddy issues will somehow always be the topic of every conversation. Don’t forget about all the boys they sleep around with. Kennedy can also be a synonym to revolting because you gage every time you come near them. That’s because of their overwhelming amount of stds that never seem to be dealt with. Don’t forget about their attitude that makes them think theyre gods because daddy pays for everything.

Friend: I hate Kennedy she smells and she won’t stop taking about the walking trash she’s dating.

Other friend: No way, I feel you girl!

by Ronnieisadruggie May 31, 2022


Hannah or Hanna no matter how it’s spelled is a terrible person. A Hannah is someone who’s self-centered who could care less about anyone around them. Meeting a Hannah can be one of the worst things that you can possibly go through. It’s almost like talking to a brainless shit particle. A Hannah reeks for attention doing absolutely anything for said attention. Some examples are, knowingly embarrasses close friends in front of a male, tries to be a “klutz”(but honestly looks like a baby who hasn’t developed near enough braincells to function), and tries to “fit in” by doing anything including the above. So, a Hannah is someone who you’ll never want to be friends with, unless you want to be dragged through hell every single second you hang out with them.

Girl A: She’s such a Hannah, she just told everyone you cut just to be funny.
Girl B: I know fuck her, shes stinks like cat piss anyway.

by Ronnieisadruggie May 31, 2022