When you start hailing, but realize there are 20 jews in the room with you, so you start singing hailalele.
Adolf HAIL... alele hailalele hailalele
Jews Oh that guys ok, he's just singing.
Enar, commonly known as Picopenar, is supposedly the physical embodiment of sorrow and rage. Enar is a legend that derives fom antique Egypt, where engravements on pyramids depicted a man screaming at his fellow comrades, before crying at the inadequacy. Legend tells that if you say "Picopenar" three times into a mirror, you will faintly hear the ancient word "FITTA!" as well as hear complaints about something called an "Acer".
Wilmer: I think I heard someone screaming about their teammates the other day. Could it have been Enar?
Thanwa: Nah, I heard someone crying the other night about how they should have been diamond, before they dejectedly admited that they'd never actually be diamond. That must have been Enar.