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The word "Nancy-boy" is a postwar term for a homosexual male. It is a softer word than faggot, queer, or dick-smoker. "Nancy-boy" is synonymous with "that way," meaning light-in-the-loafers, but harmless and not at all threatening or predatory.

Your brother is sure a Nancy-boy. His house is just beautiful, and he keeps a wonderful yard. His pug dogs are cute too!

by Rook's buddy May 11, 2010

326πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

tampon troll

A debasing and nasty term for a lesbian, "tampon troll" is synonymous with bull-dyke. A tampon troll can often be found in non-traditional careers and jobs for females, such as: Police Officer, security guard, airline pilot and Border Patrol Agent. Female military officers are often tampon trolls.

Missing a penis, the tampon troll is jealous of, and generally resentful of males.

1. Check out that tampon troll! She has her cigarettes rolled up in her shirt sleeve!
2. That tampon troll sure looks frightening when she wears that tool belt.
3. That cop that ticketed me for speeding was a nasty tampon troll. What a cunt! I bet she would not have cited me had I been an attractive woman.

by Rook's buddy May 13, 2010

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Normally a woman, often in her forties or older, who lives with multiple cats. She will drive you insane when she shows you endless pictures of her herd of cats. She has a story about each and every feline, (each one is SOOO adorable,) and she can't wait to share them with you. You definitely don't want to sit next to a cat-rancher on an airplane or train.

1. Those women hang out with each other too much. They better be careful, or they will end up being cat-ranchers!

2. That cat-rancher in the waiting room drove me nuts. Too bad she had an iPad, because it made it easy for her to show me all those boring pictures.

by Rook's buddy May 13, 2010

26πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

sky biscuit

An old term and endearing term for a flight attendant. "Sky Biscuit" is seldom used in modern times due to the age and general surliness of the typical modern flight attendant.

1. That sky biscuit is a real hottie! She must be new to the airline industry. Didn't she used to work at Hooters?

2. Old Captain to young First Officer: "We used to hire some real nice-looking sky biscuits, but now we only hire hags and fags."

by Rook's buddy May 13, 2010

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Take a Midol

"Take a Midol" is a disparaging phrase said to a woman who is behaving in a bitchy and confrontational fashion, as women are know to do when experiencing the symptoms of PMS. Sometimes said by a male, the phrase is more powerful when uttered by a female toward another female, as a strong complaint about the woman's behavior and/or attitude. (Midol is a commonly used over-the-counter medication marketed to women for the symptoms of PMS.)

Woman to woman: What is wrong with you? Stop being so upset and take a Midol!

Man to woman: Honey, please! Take a Midol before we have another domestic violence event in this house trailer!

by Rook's buddy June 3, 2010

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

wide open ass

A descriptive for a terrible smell. Often "wide open ass" is used to describe a geographical place. Less often it is used to describe the stench of a person.

1. Commerce City, Colorado smells like wide open ass.

2. That guy really needs to clean himself up. He reeks like wide open ass!

by Rook's buddy May 10, 2010

38πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

stunt cunt

A highly offensive term for a female pilot who participates in the sport of aerobatics.

1. That stunt cunt fly! Look at how smooth and graceful she is!

2. I thought that aerobatic airplane was flown by a stunt cunt, because it is painted pink.

by Rook's buddy May 13, 2010

14πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž