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Someone who derives pleasure from one's own pain and humiliation inflicted by pursuing mathematical knowledge.
Usually a sufferer from insanity. It is a mystery whether the insanity is a result from the Lovercraftian horror of advanced mathematics, or the insane are drawn into studying mathematics.

Due to this word being derived from masochist, it is suggested that this pleasure is of a sexual nature. However, as sufferers of this condition (including the person who wrote this entry) generally do not have a sex life whatsoever, it is currently impossible to verify this claim.

Creator of this entry: "Why look for love when maths has been making you cry and breaking your heart since eternity?"
Fellow maths student: "Sometimes I wonder if we've became masochistic from all the mathematical pain."
Creator of this entry: "You should've said 'Mathochistic', such a good pun opportunity wasted."

by Rorschach The Chinese Room July 14, 2018