The best most horrowshow parking spots at CP. Two straight up thugs park in them.
Shit man, it's so oozhassny if only I could snag the za wedge, but Dirty Mike jacked it from me." "Don't be razdraz; you just gotta wake up earlier.
5👍 6👎
The distance one will go for a seemingly lost cause, usually romantic.
"I will cross oceans and nations for you"-person A
"Umm.. right"-person B
"He's insane in the brain"-person C
7👍 2👎
Failing to accomplish any significant reading on Wikipedia due to following related links, perusing only the intro to each article, and in doing so, straying far from the original topic.
I logged on to Wikipedia and searched credit default swaps. Ten minutes later I was reading about bisexuality in the 1800s. Hate the wikipedia trap.