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A town near Melbourne, in Australia. it is a a country town but it is very big. i was born there and find the first definition HIGHLY offensive. the pass-times do NOT include smoking bongs and gatecrashing parties. they are the SAME as a ANY other town, and they do NOT all 'sport mullets and drive 1985 XD falcons and just cuz someone values their life, it does NOT mean they wouldn't come here. IT IS A GOOD HAPPY TOWN... AND NOT SHAME FULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is also home to Cassi Van Dungen, runner-up in the fifth cycle of Australia's next top model, varios fotty players an an actor and aslo is where The Ashes (cricket) started

person 1: hey do u wanna come to Sunbury with me?bad town of anything

person 2: of course! its not like its a bad town or anything

by Rose Hathaway August 14, 2011

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