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Cave Like A Cave

1. To back out, or cave, with little or no hesitation or motivation.
2. To cause another to give into temptation, or cave, with little persuasion.

1. Even though I made him a promise, when my buddies called wanting to catch a flick, I totally clac'd on my brother.

2. Dude, I knew she was an easy kill. I just walked up, said hello, bought her a drink, and she clac'd. We boned all night!

by Ross G. December 14, 2007

4👍 3👎


Derivations of the word Schmob:

Schmobbin(verb): straight up balls to the wall partying or any action involving wanton disregard for ones own safety or physical well being; an extreme activity in which an individual enters an abnormal heightened state of mind i.e. experiences with controlled substances, adrenaline surges etc.

Schmobbin(adj.): A definition for a person place or thing that is particularly exciting, fun or enjoyable.

Schmobbed(adj.): The condition which can arise during or after "schmobbin" has occurred; A state of inebriation, extreme euphoria or inversely a highly exhausted or spent state such as being hung over or injured.

"I was schmobbin in a Lamborgini Murcielego when I hit that little kid at 110 mph."

"Wassup dude! Yo this party is so schmobbin! Come to 101 Lombard street fast before the cops break shit up!"

"Dude I am so schmobbed. If I shotgun another coors I am going to vomit."

"No, I am too schmobbed to drive. Please take my keys from me."

by Ross G. June 4, 2005

12👍 5👎

Holiday Hook-up

Most prominent to college students, a hook up held soley during a holiday break or season, usually during the time one's home from college life. Sometimes shortened to HHU.

Guy 1: Dude, what are you plans over the break?
Guy 2: Well, seeing as how the ladies here at enter college here won't give any up, I plan on coming down with a Holiday Hook-up by the end of the first week I'm home.
Guy 3: Good times.

by Ross G. December 14, 2007

7👍 2👎