Source Code

rice and pea

jamacian manz food .... get me?

ashley "i want some rice and pea!!"

by Ross Luckie April 30, 2004

25👍 14👎


when someone does something that deserves praise

Luckie, " I tingsed canfield man"
Smith," Aaaaah ... ratings bruv"

by Ross Luckie April 29, 2004

73👍 23👎


similar to VEX, reacting to something and becoming angry.

Some bitch hit me and i started switching!

by Ross Luckie February 15, 2004

52👍 44👎


to get with someone.... not necesarily sexual intercourse, but to get with a beenie. (allow gettin wit raw skets)

Smith, "what you think of canfield man?"
Luckie," oh my days, she is a beenie you know, i want to tings her bare"

by Ross Luckie April 29, 2004

6👍 9👎