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Around the Horn

1. A dangerous voyage, esp. naval, around the extreme peninsular end of America's Southern continent (Cape Horn).

2. Expression describing any risky or adventerous maneuver used in order to achieve the final step in a predetermined goal; an apotheosis of sorts.

3. In poker, a declared convention allowing straights to be continuous across the card hierarchy limits. That is, sequences are allowed to proceed from King to Ace to Two, and so on, as needed to complete a run. Legitimate only if announced with a horn honk and a circular hand motion.

1. Captain Horatio L. Nymark, despite innumerable weather catastrophes, made it Around the Horn.

2. In the heat of the night, Captain Nymark was forced to go around the horn: to avoid complaints from his many mistrisses, he proceeded to bed every one of them in the space of an evening.

3. "EEEEEEEEAAAAAA-OUUUURRRRRRN! Around the horn, boys, around the horn!" Captain Nymark boldly tooted the order at the start of the hand, later to win the pot with a QKA23 straight.

by Round O'Horn July 18, 2005

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