A terrible condition of the human mind originating from the limbic system of the brain whereby those afflicted with said condition, build up a smug sense of superiority over others due to melanin levels in one's skin. Unbeknownst to the carrier of this condition is the irony and absurdity inherent in their behavior, seeing as they themselves are carriers of the same genes which controls the skin's ability to reflect UV light from the Sun and thus control skin color. Also lost on them is the fact that due to evolution and natural selection, nature turns on and off these genes as it sees fit but never discards them. The genes are specific to the the environment one finds themselves in. (i.e. People who live near the equator of the earth are more at risk of dangerous exposure to UV light and skin cancer than those in colder parts of the earth--hence people in the equator and southern hemisphere tend to be of a darker complexion, because that trait is more apt in dealing with the harsh Sun.
This trait is truly a marvel of nature and should be celebrated by all members of the human race but unfortunately it goes unnoticed. In its stead, comes the pseudo idea of white supremacy, despite the fact that there is no scientific link between one's skin color and their intelligence or supposed dominion over others.
The Primary mode of transmission of white supremacy is through word of mouth. This condition is often treated with scorn in many societies but like many faults inherited from our evolutionary past it has proven to be quite a daunting affliction to eradicate from our midst. If left untreated, it becomes part of the fabric of societies, dictating racist laws and consequently gives credence to the adage: "If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth".
Symptoms include: delusions of grandeur and a desire to dominate others. Historical advances in science and political thought have been able to beat back the tide of white supremacy. Despite the progress, this condition continues to set the human race back because it robs the afflicted of common sense and they in turn project this loss by also robbing others of their dignity, respect, and basic human rights. However, one can only hope that a gradual illumination of people's minds will bring an end to this affliction and help humanity reach its full potential.
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