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fecal harrassment

When the office crowd are out having their two hour lunch, a big fat slob from shipping and receiving will take a commode shattering crap in the woman's room. It is a big no-no to take a stinky shit where the restroom is carpeted. Therefore, it is hilarious when the Human Resources Manager gags every day when she walks in there.

"I can't believe Jerome. He is going to get in trouble for fecal harrassment some day."

by Running Out of Patience March 7, 2008

441πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

latino strangler

When there is an eyeball burning, paint peeling stink eminating from the factory rest rooms after lunchtime it is usually referred to as a latino strangler. It truly makes you wonder where you went wrong.

Oh fuck, another latino strangler.That damn beanerbeat me here again! I should have used the restroom at the Mobil station.

by Running Out of Patience December 13, 2008

540πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

whiskey pig

One stinking, fat, drunken, uneducated welfare witch. She drinks cheap whiskey all day and breathes booze breath on everyone she encounters. She has really bad breath, and smokes like a chimney. Her kids take care of themselves all day in their government subsidised housing, tearing up the place and throwing poop at each other, while she whores it up at the local watering hole. A lot of her kids are retarded from fetal alcohol syndrome. She has a rear end the size of New Hampshire.

"If I had a choice between being with that whiskey pig or death, I would chose death."

by Running Out of Patience February 13, 2008

485πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

scornful farm wives

These are those tired old worn out bags that have worked the same lame ass factory job for 30 years or more and haven't advanced their knowledge since the first week. They are jealous of anyone who took the time to educate themselves and are vicious and anal. It is fun to make them squirm by waliking around with tape measures and talking in scientific or engineering terms.

"Boy, wouldn't it be nice if those scornful farm wives would retire once and for all? They haven't done anything except share recipes all goddamned day."

by Running Out of Patience December 13, 2007

393πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

making the brown rumble

When one takes a horrendous commode shattering crap. It sounds horrible and smells even worse.

"Oh, no, here comes that slobby truck driver again. He comes here just for the purpose of making the brown rumble and never buys anything. Quick, get the "out of order" sign for the restroom.

by Running Out of Patience February 1, 2008

561πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž


A teenage girl that spazzes out and goes psycho on a daily basis over the upcoming senior prom. It is hauntingly similar to a bridezilla that is also a prima donna but on a larger scale.

That damn promzilla had better shut the fuck up pretty soon about her prom dress not being perfect. Who cares, it's just going to wind up an expensive cum-bucket anyway.

by Running Out of Patience April 18, 2010

397πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž

team pooping

Usually right after lunch break in a factory, employees will fill up the six stalls in the men's room and engage in team pooping. They will talk about useless sports news while they pound one out. The medley of aroma is strangling and will make your eyes burn. If you hold your nose, you will taste it. Truly makes you wish you would have stayed in school.

"Look at Jeremy. He just experienced his first team pooping. Either you love it or you hate it. I think he hates it."

by Running Out of Patience March 1, 2008

524πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž