From the Latin Fatum which means weird.
Fatuum Sonat Lorem is the feeling of exasperation when you patiently listen to a customers needs, present them with what they need, and they ignore everything you've just said, and buy something else. Then blame you for selling them the wrong thing.
Salesperson: based on what you have told me, I would reccomend you purchase this waterproof jacket.
Customer : Well I don't give a fuck what you think, I am getting the water RESISTANT jacket. Cause resisting rain is what I want it to do yeah. You are so stupid.
a few days later
Customer : You asshole, I went for a hike in this jacket I bought here, and now I am soaked. I want a refund, and I want an appology in writing.
Salesperson : *eyebrow starts to twitch* Ahh yes.... Fatuum Sonat Lorem