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A naive though usually amiable person who always tailors his or her opinions, tastes or behavior to suit the prevailing social group of the moment. A person whose social tendencies range from chameleon-like approval seeker to unwittingly disingenous. A person with a weak or poorly defined sense of self.

The youngest of the mayorial candidates was a real hedgling, seeming not to realize he had changed his stand on the issues after each interview.

by Russell Clark May 2, 2006

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Great Success!

An exclamation, which in light of the irreverently popular smash hit film, "Borat" now connotes the justifiable gloating over any sudden victory in life, fortune or career which dismays one's jealous competitors by virtue of its magnitude and/or sheer unexpectedness. It is most effective to exclaim "Great Success!" in the very midst of one's petty and mean-spirited detractors, especially at the precise moment they are forced to acknowledge one's hatefully coveted good fortune.

The radiant bride exclaimed "Great Success!" as she and her handsome groom pushed through the throng of her mean-spirited step family and into the couple's late model Rolls Royce.

by Russell Clark December 9, 2006

65πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


The mythical land from which all dim bulbs secretly originate.

Deep in the heart of Dimbulbia, thought of mind spreads much slower than word of mouth.

by Russell Clark October 30, 2003

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The act, individual or collective of introducing into the human rectum, a live gerbal, usual an adult male for the purpose of gaining, directly or indirectly, sadistic and erotic gratification.

The inventor of the "J-tube" self-delivery system was an avid devotee of gerbaling.

by Russell Clark March 15, 2004

72πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


A species of the genus Homo native to the Boskop region of South Africa between 10,000 and 30,000 B.C., averaging between 5.0 and 6.0 feet in height and boasting of an average cranial capacity of 1500-1800 cubic centimeters versus the more modest average of 1250-1500 cc for modern homo sapiens.

Boskop man exhibited a high cranial-to-facial ratio approaching 5-to-1 versus the modern ratio of 3-to-1. Consequently Boskop man exhibited a high degree of neotony with a cranial-to-facial ratio more appropriate to that of a two to three-year-old homo sapiens child.

The Boskop people are to many archaeologists inexplicable because no evidence remains of the factors that must have been present in their environment which over time selected for the appearance of out-sized brains. The Boskop were, according to Loren Eiseley, both negroid and neotonous in appearance and may well represent the highest level yet achieved in the evolutionary development of the genus homo.

by Russell Clark March 15, 2008

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Describing a student with more college hours than typically required for graduation but who remains ineligible for a degree.

Yo, that mug been to 'bout eight different universities in the past 10 years though he still openlid!

by Russell Clark May 22, 2003

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


An ill-advised and single-mindedly pursued strategy, which inevitably or predictably brings about failure of the strategist's project.

The US stragedy of favoring the Shiite factions merely led to intensification of Civil War in Iraq and ultimately to the formation of a Shiite Islamic Superstate in the region.

It might be argued the attempt to import Western-style democracy to a very different and dynamic culture without first understanding the culture's historical development or its religious and philosphical underpinnings constitutes the fundamental US stragedy for Iraq.

by Russell Clark November 26, 2006

22πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž