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chunky dunking

Skinny dipping for the corpulent. Fat-assed exhibitionism.

That BBW wanted to go chunky dunking in the hot tub with me. I told her I would, but that I was afraid we'd have to take turns!

by Russell Clark May 19, 2006

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very hungry, famished

That little plate of food won't satisy me. I'm honegry!

by Russell Clark May 22, 2003

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Blogga, please!

Special concluding segment of Bill Maher's HBO political satire and late night talk show where questions submitted to the show from Bloggers are discussed. The segment title is an obvious nod to one of Dave Chappelle's similarly titled comedy skits, starring comedian Chris Rock.

Maher: "It's time for our end-of-the-show, Blogga, please! segment - this is where people blog in and we get the questions right from people off the Internet".

Blogga: What do you think of the UFOs over Texas? . . .
Maher: Γ’Β€ΒœUFOs are a lot more likely, than a space God flew down bodily, and who you know is the son of God, and had sex with a Palestinian woman.Ҁ

by Russell Clark February 3, 2008

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An inhabitant or native of Dimbulbia.

In the land of Dimbulbia, intellectual illumination is ever in short supply.

by Russell Clark November 2, 2003

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A fusion of the drug names, Prozac and Viagra. A cocktail of medications or herbal supplements that elevates both mood and libido or produces a beneficial effect on both by elevating either.

Jim must have started on Prozagra or something. Lately he seems to have taken out a new lease on life!

by Russell Clark December 2, 2006

Parish Chilton

An upper white trash version of Paris Hilton. A white trash female or transvestite who aspires to be like Ms. Hilton and who consciously adopts fashions, speech and mannerisms made famous by the spoiled scioness of the Hotel magnate.

A conjunction of the two terms Parish and Chilton, each with mainstream references, e.g., "Parish" is the Louisiana equivalent to "County" and "Chilton" is a reference to the Auto Parts Reference Manual. The urbandictionary.com definitions of these terms are considerably seedier and decidedly connote that which is thoroughgoingly low class.

Bob: After Suzy won the lotto last year she went Parish Chilton big time and like crazy fast, fried and dyed her hair, got Botox, Lipo and boob implants and then moved with her passle of chirrens into that abandoned mansion of a spec house there in Collyel - you know, the one with the large swimming pool shaped like the Jim Beam bottle. Oh and she finally lawyered up and divorced that good for nothing moron Tommy who's been sponging off of her all these years. Next thing you know, she bought herself a Chihuahua, a Hummer H3 and is now with misteree beef on a two week cruise to Cancun.

Marcus: "One word, Bobby. . . go girl!"

by Russell Clark December 3, 2006

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identity deficit disorder

Otherwise known as IDD, a relatively rare disorder characterized by a notable lack of original, which is to say, innovative, interesting or humorous ideas. Like Rabies, the first symptom of this "disease" is a developing fear in the victim that they may indeed be a sufferer. This leads the sufferer of IDD to develop various tactics and strategies for masking this deficit of metaphysical presence, for example, keeping one's mentor(s) in the closet and isolated from one's social circles so that one's frequent parroting of the mentor's wisdom and witticisms is not detected and can be passed off as one's own. Another common tactic of a sufferer of IDD is the practice of recycling of endearments.

The character Howard Crick played by Will Farrell in the popular film, Stranger than Fiction (2006) provides us with as good an example as any of a person suffering from what might be termed "identity deficit disorder".

What Derrida has effectively accused all thinkers of suffering from when he proved that metaphysical presence is mere illusion.

Tommy frequently recycled the ideas and suggestions of his friends and acquaintances. And in this way at least put up a passable appearance of having a personality to call his own. If Tommy ever did have an idea of his very own no one ever knew it since it'd invariably die on the vine before he could tell anyone.

by Russell Clark December 3, 2006

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