A Superman/Pearl Necklace hybrid. When your significant other is sleeping, on their back, you sneek around to their side of the bed and rub one off, finishing on or around the neck area. You then, place the bed sheet over the Pearl Necklace. If performed correctly, the sheet should stick and give the effect of a lobster bib upon their waking up.
My girl fell asleep before I got some lastnight, so i gave her a lobster bib before I left.
5👍 12👎
When your Wife/ girlfriend wont give you sex you wait till shes asleep, then mess her hair in her face and shove your dick down her throat. When she wakes up she will scream but all that will come out is the noise like chewbacca
Your mom was being bitchy last night so after she fell asleep I chewbacca'd her.
14👍 13👎