Source Code


short for Burke, also meaning "awesome".

She said i was totally BRK!!

by RyaN December 15, 2004

167πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


Escalade Ext - Escalade mixed with truck becomes escatruck

"bob's rollin in the escatruck to the clubs. Let's ball in that!"

by RyaN October 22, 2004

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


From the latin term, "lackofimaginationitis"

Defined as:
A five block stroll in any part of America where you encounter the same strip mall in a different location at least twice.

Ex: I was reminded that I live in 'Generica' when I encountered the 5th Gap store on a 10 minute drive.

by RyaN April 16, 2004

54πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

chalnez santos

1.an any size crap or poo that happens to clog up the toilet
2.the full name of that funny brazilian kid at my school

1.hey janitor i just took a chalnez in the bathroom get to work
2.that kid is so brazilian

by RyaN November 28, 2003

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Love Handles

The areas of extra fat that hang or slightly bulge from the sides, and are also the little rolls on the lower back. Both men and women can have these.
Love handles vary in size, to small, cute, and curvaceous; all the way to massive, obese, and covered with stretchmarks (Not Good)
Women SHOULD have love handles. If they don't have small ones on their lower back (back rolls), then they are way too skinny. This is how I like my girls too. I LOVE those extra curves and places to hold that feel soft in my hands, OH YEAH

That girl's love handles are so cute....Damn look at those curves!

by RyaN August 14, 2004

3147πŸ‘ 1581πŸ‘Ž


1. A very powerful hero in Warcraft 3. Can use wind walk, critical strike, mirror image, and bladestorm.
2. Someone adept at using a sword.

1. Oh shit, that blademaster just windwalked into my base and killed all my wisps.
2. That dude just totally ruined 3 people, what a blademaster!

by RyaN November 20, 2004

32πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


1. A card game for adolescents or young adults.
2. A prick/rude son-of-a-bitch who treats EVERYONE like they are beneath them. Doesn't care if he hurts someone's feelings.
3. Somebody from L.A., New York City, Detroit, France, Fort Wayne, Indiana; also any people who go to Harvard, Rednecks from the South, and a few bastards from Canada.
4. One cavity that many drug traffickers hide their shipment in.
5. What you are if you constantly cheat on your wife and beat your kids.
6. What to use when removing waste from the body; see shit or feces
7. Can be used as a means of entertaining people in various places.

Everyone I ever knew from Fort Wayne was a rude asshole. They always treated me like dirt for doing NOTHING to them. I hate those son of a bitch rat bastards.

by RyaN September 17, 2004

173πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž