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Someone who can talk for hours and never actually say anything.

Person A: I swear, my history teacher gave the most boring lecture about the Renaissance I've ever heard. You want to know the really sad thing? I was listening to the entire thing, and I STILL have no idea what he was saying.
Person B: Maybe he should've been a politician.
Person A: Perhaps.

by Ryan Clark Jr. June 10, 2018

Rookie mistake

A mistake that is caused by a lack of experience, a lack of attention, a lack of care, or any combination of the 3.

Person A: My roommate was playing Grand Theft Auto the other day, but it was his first time playing a game in the series. That part became clear when he tried stealing the first parked car he saw... only to immediately get a wanted level because there was a police car nearby that he somehow didn't notice.

Person B: Talk about a rookie mistake.

by Ryan Clark Jr. March 12, 2018

22👍 4👎


An obnoxious or contemptable person, especially one who thinks they're worth more than they really are.

Our class president Jim is the biggest douchebag I've ever met; you don't know what it's like hearing him brag about it over and over again.

by Ryan Clark Jr. October 23, 2017

3👍 1👎

Guilty Pleasure

Something that someone likes, even if they're aware of its faults. In some cases, they may even have difficulty finding something positive to say about it.

Person A: Why exactly do you like some of the things you like? The appeal in some of them is lost on me.
Person B: Well, I... Huh. That's a really good question. I guess they're what I'd call guilty pleasures.
Person A: Fair enough.

by Ryan Clark Jr. July 2, 2017

86👍 9👎


The middle ground between knives and swords, especially in fantasy settings.

Guy A: A dagger is basically a blade that's too big to be knife but too small to be a sword, even a short sword.
Guy B: Kinda like what thieves use in D&D and whatnot?
Guy A: Exactly.

by Ryan Clark Jr. May 25, 2019

back in the day

A colloquialism used to describe a point in time, specific or otherwise

Person A: I found some old records in an antique store the other day; made from vinyl and everything.
Person B: What are records?
Person A: They're how people listened to music back in the day before CDs and radios.

by Ryan Clark Jr. September 23, 2017

6👍 4👎


The fastest way to lose friends.

Guy A: What do you think about politics.
Guy B: ... Yeah, I'm outta here.

by Ryan Clark Jr. September 20, 2016

145👍 7👎