An individual who believes in lower taxes, a smaller federal government and traditional values. A Republican is someone who feels that more power should belong to the states. This reflects the belief that individuals, business's and states should be responisble for themselves. They should have more freedom from the myriad of tough regulations imposed by the federal government. The primary role of the federal government should be to protect the country from foreign threats not the country from itself. Strong national defense is key. A Republican is also someone who favors free enterprise because competition between businesses is healthy and necessary. Republicans have a conservative approach in regards to economical issues. They also tend to be people of faith and pro-life. The pro-life stance manifests from the value of an individuals freedom from a restricting government. A life, be it unborn or not should be able to have the freedom and opportunity to live once it exists.
A Republican is an individual who believes in lower taxes, a smaller federal government and traditional values.
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