Source Code

what the blazes

when one cannot comprehend unfolding events or events which have occured.

*term keyed by jay parsons, later utilized by various Vancouver-area residents*

guy1: "why is your mom calling me?"
guy2: "what the blazes"

guy1: "your mom called me last night!!"
guy2: "what the blazes"

by Ryno December 3, 2004

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The township (basement suite located in Coquitlam) in which Ryan and Murray reside.

syn: castle greyskull

guy1: *knock knock knock*
guy2: "how dost time serve thee?"
guy1: "what the blazes??, are you gonna let me in?"
guy2: "if thou wishes to enter the Empshire, thou must prove worthy and pay five shillings!"

by Ryno December 3, 2004

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When someone (typically a male) becomes obsessed with body buiding to the point where he cannot actually see themself for what they are. They will habiutually attempt to become more and more muscular because they feel its never enough.

Monkey1: I don't think my 20" arms are big enough
Monkey2: yo dawg, you're crazy, you're suffering from bigorexia!

by Ryno April 23, 2005

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all fa sho

A remark proclaimed when you have accomplished a task done to make yourself look good, or just doing it for another person or group of people to impress them (i.e. did it for "my homies" or for the "biatches")

R-Dizzle exclaimed, "all fa sho" after a bunch of sweet sweet ladies witnessed him slamin' a sick bucket on a rookie (it made him look baaaaad). After that, he took home a few ladies to his crib...

by Ryno July 18, 2003

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When a mans partner performs felatio while he is playing the MMORPG "World of Warcraft" AKA: WoW.

Man sorry about the raid wipe I caused last night, I was getting a wowzer.

by Ryno September 22, 2014

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all over it

Got it covered, easily done, completed it well

You see that piece of pie right there? I'm all over it.

by Ryno July 18, 2003

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Term used to describe a normally tame female who turns into a raging whore once the brew touches her lips.

Josh F: "Hey Jen what did you do last night"
Jen: "I dont remeber...but my butt really hurts"
Josh F & Pals: "ALCHOWHORE!"

Emily is nice, but once she tastes the Milwaukees Best she transforms into a sausage ravaging alchowhore.

by Ryno July 24, 2004

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