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A Middle Eastern Muslim nation, formerly known as Persia, that used to be progressive before a bunch of religious lunatics gained power. Now, 67% of its people live in poverty and its current president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has instituted fundamentalist Islamic "reforms" that mirror the Taliban, even going so far as to have separate sidewalks built for men and women, and banning Western music and pop culture. They claim to want a nuclear program for "peaceful purposes" and energy, despite mountains of evidence indicating that they really want to build nuclear weapons with which to wipe out Israel and America to pave the way for the return of the Mahdi--a Muslim ruler who is believed to have fallen down a well in 941 A.D. and will return when times are at their worst (yes, you read that right: he fell down a well). Iran rakes in hundreds of billions of dollars worth of oil revenue a year, but instead of using that money to help their people and improve their refineries and natural energy sources, the money is used to fund terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as their unnecessary "peaceful" nuke program; the rest of it goes into the pockets of the corrupt old Mullahs. It is estimated that around 2/3 of the Iranian population is under 30 years of age, and that the vast majority of these people hate the Mullahs; but instead of rising up and overthrowing them, they spend their time whining about how evil America is and burning Israeli and American flags, and denying that the Holocaust ever happened even though the Shah was a supporter of Hitler during World War II--Pahlavi even changed the name of the country from "Persia" to "Iran", a Farsi derivation of "Aryan", in reference to the idea of a proto-Indo-European lineage supported by both Nazis and Persian ethnologists.

Iran: 7500 years of history, and only about 500 were any good.

by S. E. H. October 6, 2006

107👍 154👎

Hugo Chavez

Lard-ass president of Venezuela, constantly seeking attention by spouting anti-American rhetoric to any media outlet that will listen. Has allied himself with Iranian President Ahmadinejad, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, and pretty much every other anti-American/socialist/fascist leader in the world. Currently adored by leftists for his anti-Bush stances and for leading a so-called Latino "Revolution" against American "imperialism", despite the fact that 80% of Venezuelans currently live below the poverty line.

Hugo Chavez getting applauded at the U.N. for calling Bush "the devil" eight times just shows how decadent the U.N. has become.

Viva Chavez? Pfft.

Hugo Chavez owning Citgo is just one more reason to drill Alaska.

by S. E. H. October 6, 2006

601👍 473👎