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The opposite of love

Me: I'm going to chop up your body and make a stew with it and force your family to eat it
You: that's just evol

by S.Dawg October 14, 2017

5👍 4👎

Holy Mackerel

An expression used when something happens that is unexpected HOLY MACKEREL!

Holy mackerel I was never expecting that DOG to jump on me. I feel like going out and catching an actual mackerel to settle my nerves. Holy mackerel

by S.Dawg June 3, 2017

15👍 2👎


When somebody sleeps a lot and also doesn't tell the truth

Wow your such a lier your always saying that you are sleeping at your mother's house but actually your at your boyfriend's apartment!

by S.Dawg June 10, 2018


when something is so funny you can't help but rolling on the floor and laughing.

Wow that was so funny I'm going to throw myself on the floor, roll, and laugh histerically ROFAL

by S.Dawg June 2, 2017

22👍 3👎